Saturday, July 11, 2020

Another Saturday night....

                      Another Saturday night, drinking with the scouts at the Barleymoe
 Tonight Elijah Craig is joined by Jose Cuervo, John Jameson and Johnny Walker and Henry McKenna

Elijah: Tonight fellas we are going to discuss Seventy_77's suggestion " Maybe a blog about this great IFA year the league has had".
Elijah: But before we start the discussion I want to know if any of you have seen or heard from Captain Morgan?
Johnny: Is that why all the international scouts are here?
Elijah: Sure you think I'm going to talk about internationals with George and Jack?
Elijah: I need to know from each of you: have you seen or heard from the captain recently.
John: If we are doing internationals why is Henry here?
Elijah: You should know that I use Henry as a kind of historian of the league.
Henry: Elijah, why don't you just give up about asking them about the captain. You're beating around the bush. Straight up ask them.
Jose: Ask me what?
Elijah: coach_orman is missing .  Does the captain have him and if he does what is his ransom price.
Johnny: You know mr_stickball  never pays the ransom. If the captain has coach_orman , may God have mercy on his soul.
Elijah:So no one knows the whereabouts of coach_orman or the captain.
John: I'm happy to say it's been years since I talked to the captain. I would also say it will be years before I speak to coach_orman  again.
Henry: Can we get down to business here about the internationals, Elijah?
Elijah: Sure, is this best year ever for internationals?
Henry: You have a hard time judging guys 18 to 22 in a league that is close to 50 seasons old.
Johnny: So are just here to have a few drinks or do have something to say.
Henry; I think it's clear that I find this premature. Seasons 12, 16 and 18 all had two Hall of Famers signed in that year. Should I judge it by how many Hall of Famers I think are in this class before they make it to the major leagues?
Jose: How would you judge this season .
Henry: Well if I was comparing this year to last year; I don't think you would like the answer.
Elijah: Spill it Henry.
Henry: This season(49) we only had 9 guys who were  given a bonus of 10 million or more. Last season(48) and in (47) both seasons had 10 guys signed for more than 10 million. If you want to talk about dollars spent (49)$259,296,000, season (48) $262,652,000, (47)$ 260,517,000.
John: Henry, are you saying that dollars is a way to decide which groups are better?
Henry: Of course not, the highest ever bonus was 32 million paid to Benny Rondon (season43) . He is only 25. Are you ready to judge him on 3 years of major league seasons.
Jose: So what would you want people to know about the internationals.
Johnny: If I might interject, I agree with Seventy_77. I think this was a great class.
Henry: As somebody who has studied this, most seasons 5 to 7 guys are signed to 8 figures, so this season was higher. As I look back to season 1 the first international signed was Magglio Bennett for 9.7 million. He had 12 major league seasons, never won an award.
John: Henry do you have more stats for us....... I know you do
Henry: Thank you, and can you pass the bottle? The first year the league only spent $186,820,000 on internationals. Lately the worst seasons for internationals was season 44; only 2 guys got 8 figures. I didn't bother to add the total for that season since only 2 guys got big money. but seasons 43,45,46 all had totals under $200 million. Seems like the group now wants to really compete for the internationals.
John: Of the recently signed who is doing well?
Henry: that easy with the season he's had: Carlos Chantres signed for 27million in season 37.
Johnny: So do think David Oropesa, Orlando Torres, Tony Jacquez, Alex Fernandez, Tony Fernandez, Peter Donald, Didi Guerrero and Pablo Piedra; are a good class.
Henry: I would agree with Seventy-77. I think it is a great class 8 of the 9 are position players. Not so many arm injuries with this group.
Elijah: Thank you fellas for coming. Henry will you come next year before Hall of Fame vote?
Henry: I will as long as I don't have to pay for the drinks.

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